Category Archives: Announcements

Support for Dynamic Pricing Plugin – MyStyle WP Plugin v2.0.2

We recently released version 2.0.2 of the MyStyle Custom Product Designer plugin for WordPress / WooCommerce. This update addresses compatibility issues with the WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing plugin by Lucas Stark and saved designs being re-added to cart later with custom options and custom pricing on the product.

Dynamic Pricing and Saved MyStyle Designs Adding to Cart from Saved Design-Profile Page

v2.0.2 of the main MyStyle WP plugin fixes a bug with setting the quantity when buying products from the design profile page.

This should fix the issue for anyone using this plugin that is seeing issues with special pricing rules, attributes, and adding to cart.

Also, adding to cart from the design profile page redirects to the cart and shows a “product added to cart” message.

How to Update

To update just press “update” on your MyStyle plugin in your wordpress plugin list.


Third Party Plugin Updates Warning:  We do not recommend updating all plugins.  Updating the MyStyle plugin alone should be enough to remedy this issue, and updating all other plugins may lead to unwanted conflicts with other third party plugins.  Always update plugins with caution and only after making a backup.

Major Release (2.0.0) for WooCommerce 3.X / PHP 7.X – All MyStyle WordPress Plugins and Add-Ons

UPDATE 5/31/2017: We have released 2.0.1 which patches some issues being caused by the plugin/add-on load order which we have no control over. In my dev environment, the design manager was loading second and then it worked. In v2.0.1 (of all of our add-ons) I updated the code so that it will work regardless of the plugin load order.

Original Post Below:

Today we released a highly anticipated update for the MyStyle Custom Product Designer plugin and all its related MyStyle add-ons that make them compatible with numerous 3rd party technology updates including:

  • WooCommerce 2.X
  • WooCommerce 3.X
  • WordPress 4.7.X (tested up to 4.7.5 5/30/2017)
  • PHP 5.X
  • PHP 6.X
  • PHP 7.X

Major Version 2.0 Across All Plugins

To keep things in sync we’ve updated to major revision number 2.0.0 for our main WordPress plugin (MyStyle Custom Product Designer).  This is a distinct change to many of the hooks and programming methods that were previously used in WooCommerce 2.X.

This includes:

  • MyStyle Custom Product Designer
  • Design Manager add-on
  • Email Manager add-on
  • Order Queue add-on

This means any MyStyle plugin with version 2.0 or higher will be compatible with the current WooCommerce version (3.0.7) or older, and will most likely stay compatible with WooCommerce’s upcoming minor revisions and updates since their 3.X changes were also a major update that cleaned and refactored significant internal core programming and should last them years with their new structure.

Dev Notes

Here’s a few words on things to note from our senior WP developer:

v2.0.0 of the plugins supports WooCommerce 3.0.x and PHP 7.0.x. They are backwards compatible and still support WooCommerce 2.x.x and PHP 5.3-6.

Since the main plugin is backwards compatible with the old versions of the add-ons, older versions of php and WooCommerce 2.x, everyone should be able to upgrade all of our MyStyle add-on plugins without issues.

It should be noted however, that the change-variations-in-cart plugin and product add-ons plugin aren’t yet compatible with WC 3.x or PHP 7. So sites using these plugins should stay on WC 2.x and PHP 5.x for now.

It should also be noted that many other plugins from other companies don’t yet support WC 3.x and PHP 7, so updating even when not running the above two plugins should be done with care.


SSL Support

The HTML5 app now supports SSL out of the box in BETA form. If you are in need of an https:// (SSL) solution for your website, use the checkbox to force HTML5 only to test out SSL support!

Update Your Site if Using WooCommerce 3.X

Be sure to update your site plugins accordingly if you’re using WooCommerce 3.X or higher.

WP Plugin MyStyle Custom Product Designer 1.7 Major DB and Session Handling Fix

We recently released MyStyle Custom Product Designer plugin version 1.7 for wordpress / woo commerce. You can update right in your WP Admin by clicking update on the plugin.

Bot Sessions Saving in DB

As usual, bots are ruining nice things on the internet.  Because of the large amount of bot traffic (including both legit bots like search engine bots, monitoring bots, etc and also spambots and hackerbots and such) session data to track user designs may have increased the database table sizes significantly, depending on how your site is set up to block bots or not.  In some cases, the tables were very very large having stored hundreds of thousands of bot sessions.  This was discovered in versions less than 1.7 in May 2017 and quickly fixed.  With version 1.7 design sessions will only be stored upon design completion, and the database will be automatically purged of old bot session data.  If the table sizes grow large enough, it could cause poor performance on the website (slowing down website response time).

Fixed in 1.7 with Auto-Clean-Up

MyStyle Custom Product Designer v1.7 and higher will automatically clean up old session data in the DB, purging it entirely to shrink the table size.  New sessions will not be stored for bots, keeping things small and clean.

1.7+  Update Recommended

If you are using the MyStyle Custom Product Designer for WordPress / WooCommerce and have a version less than 1.7, we highly recommend updating to 1.7 to auto-clean your session data from the DB and prevent bots from slowing down your database.



New Update Version 1.6.1 MyStyle Custom Product Designer Fixes Version 1.6.0 Handoff Bug

Please be aware that we recently put out an update v 1.6.1 of the MyStyle Custom Product Designer plugin for WordPress / WooCommerce. This release fixes a critical error in the mystyle handoff (present in version 1.6.0 only) flow that would prevent a design from being saved to the website or cart, but it would send the saved email to the author anyway. With version 1.6.1 this error is fixed.

This release was put out the same day that the bug in version 1.6.0 was reported. Thanks to Eugene for finding and posting the bug in the forum first immediately after the first release so that we could fix it and put out the next update quickly.

Who This Effects

If you have < 1.6.0 or you have 1.6.1 or higher, this will not effect you. You can safely continue to use the version you have, or download the WordPress marketplace version (1.6.1 or higher) and either way you should be stable.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused anyone who updated between the two releases, but the fix was out really fast so it did not have time to show up on most sites.

Side Note: WordPress 4.7.1 fixes 61 WordPress Bugs

Let this be a lesson for ANY plugin, not just MyStyle, to always wait a day or two after a new release for any initial bug reports to come in and be fixed to avoid being the first one to discover an issue! Nobody likes to admit that bugs occasionally get shipped, but even in the most professional release processes in the most professional companies, the occasional bug slips thru the cracks, and the NEXT update is usually the fix for any round 1 issues. This is also true with WordPress itself. Just look at version 4.7.1 out now, it fixes 61 bugs that were present in their more major release of 4.7.0, and that’s the leading most widely tested platform in the world. We waited on 4.7.0 and jumped on 4.7.1, and we’re glad we did :)

New Pricing for 2017!

New year, new leaf. Out with the old, in with the new.

We are still buzzing from the awesome response we saw in 2016 and very excited about 2017. We’ve learned a lot about what works and what doesn’t for many of our users this past year, and we’ll be working hard to bring awesome features, upgrades, and optimizations to the MyStyle Platform that will help set everyone up for success that much more.

Enterprise Clients: New Capabilities in the Custom Developments Lab

We’ve got some really great new capabilities that are not available out of the box or in our current demos. If you are an Enterprise Client, please contact us here for a demo and quote for your project, and ignore our other pricing, as you will most likely do best with a custom solution.

Developers: New $99/yr Annual License for Developers

One major change is our entry level pricing. We’ve tried a lot over the years – free trials, up front charges, payment plans, monthly, yearly, high, low, we’ve tried it. Each time we’ve adjusted our service levels or features to match while trying to both open up access to a wider audience at a lower price point, while also requiring the features that we know are critical to success in the personalization space. This year, we’re making a change that we know will help. LOWER monthly pricing for entry level developer licenses when you purchase a year license will now replace our monthly developer Alpha license. This will really not affect any existing clients, Standard or Managed license clients, only the Developer license.

Why? Because We’re Setting DIY-Developers Up for Success, Not a 30 Day Demo.

This is for good reason, though, and one that is not obvious at first. For one, it’s a lower monthly cost in the end, our lowest yet, and for the bootstrap startup or unfunded business, that’s always a good thing. But, we do require for the new $8.25/mo developer license that you purchase for a year.

Why? Well, in a nutshell because people are slow and underestimate everything. Every day people sign up monthly and start their integration of MyStyle – very quickly, they’re up and running with a custom product, definitely within a week or two, in most cases. But, the website still says “Just Another WordPress Website”. Guess what – it stays that way for way too long, and that’s common. Now, you’re being rebilled for the customizer and yet you’re still in development. How many times have you purchased something and not actually used it for a couple months? It’s more common than you’d think, and really for most businesses who are looking for the cheap solutions, they’re doing everything themselves to save money around every corner, and that’s going to make things take a while – months in most cases.

Then, after months and months of development, fine tuning things, getting too busy to work on it, getting back around to it, finishing it up enough to a lunch, they do launch and… Nothing! Because the marketing hasn’t started yet. But, everything is working so that’s great – except 6 months has gone by and now you’re just getting your first traffic and your first sales, and your SEO is starting to catch hold. By the time you get from this point to the point you want to be at, selling multiple transactions every single day, it’s going to take 6 months to a year without funding or an advertising budget to jumpstart things. Thus, the cheapest possible license as a monthly commitment is already setting up unrealistic expectations for the website itself, not our plugin! We’re so much easier to implement than finishing the rest of the website, it’s crazy. Thus, entry level monthly commitments are really doing no favors for anyone if it’s cancelled a few months later because the website itself is still not done and the whole system hasn’t had time to run it’s course.

If you’re a lone unfunded business owner or developer working on your project with no funding, you’re going to need 6 months to a year to get this right, see the usage, see the sales, make some adjustments, and get things selling well, and you’re going to need your MyStyle app to be a 1-and-done thing that buys you a year of growth before you have to even think about it again. We know this will result in less signups, but you know what, we don’t care because what we want is to help people SUCCEED, not just spend $10 and quit too early, as is far too common these days on the web. With a year commitment, even WE have some time to help you get things right without having to charge you an arm and a leg to point you in the right direction, and we’re already in personalization for the long haul – so welcome aboard!

So, the new developer price is now $99/yr, and it’s really in everyone’s best interest to jump into the year commitment so there is realistically ample time to develop, launch, grow, optimize, and see the full potential of MyStyle even though you, like all of us these days, are busy and are going to probably need all year to generate the sales and growth you’ll really be happy with. We really feel strongly that if DIY developers stick with it for a year, just a commitment of a year, they will almost always see the plugin perform wonderfully and make their money back and generate sales better than normal. This is going to encourage people to commit longer and in that extra time, as MANY successful entrepreneurs will tell you, it’s sticking with it beyond the point where everyone else would have normally given up and quit that makes you succeed where everyone else failed! So, forget a month, that’s for amateurs! Sign up today for the year, save a little money, and let’s have a year of successful launches and growth!

Twitter, Netflix, PayPal, Visa and More Go Down From Massive Cyber Attack, But We’re Still Up!

Crazy news today that some of the biggest sites on the internet are down today, but we’re still up with no downtime!

The sites that have been or are still down today include:

  1. PayPal
  2. Twitter
  3. Ebay
  4. Netflix
  5. Etsy
  6. Visa
  7. Reddit
  8. Github


…And of course we can’t forget the target themselves,

This massive outage is the biggest in years, maybe the biggest ever, and is a result of a huge DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack on the Dynamic DNS provider company (Dyn) that they rely on to point their domain name to their sites and services.

MyStyle Cloud:  No Outages!

We use both Amazon and Rackspace services and experienced no outage at all. Props to our ops team, Rackspace infrastructure teams, and especially to Amazon AWS and for bouncing back from this attack FAST after Amazon was also hit. Even though Amazon’s retail site was reported to having some connectivity issues and downtime for their own well known retail site Friday morning, our services and uptime has been 100% through the storm, and we are happier than ever to be using their infrastructure. Great job Amazon AWS!

Amazon, Maybe the Most Experienced History of Dealing With DDoS

Perhaps their professional and super fast handling of the situation comes from their history having been one of the victims of some of one of the first really major mainstream DDoS attacks way back in 2000. They’ve been dealing with this sort of attack since then for over 15 years now, and also showed that experience in 2010 when Anonymous tried to take down their network after Amazon decided to cut off WikiLeaks from their services over leaked State Department documents. That attack showed the world that Amazon’s infrastructure was so massive it could actually handle the load of the attack, just like it handles the massive traffic of the holidays for millions of people every day.

Knowing this, DDoS attacks against Amazon are almost pointless, because if Anonymous can’t DDoS hard enough to take down Amazon, really almost nobody can.  So, this time the attackers targeted a service provider for DNS to cut off some of Amazon’s sites and many networks rather than attack the networks themselves.  The ironic part is that the company taken down that caused all of the sites’ outages, Dyn, provides this service as a way for these major sites IP addresses to always be changing, something that helps prevent these sort of attacks in the first place by frequently changing the address.  It’s a smart move on the attackers part, to go over these massive networks’ heads to cut off power right by the switch, so to speak, but Amazon has pivoted and handled the outage so quickly, that the strategy it doesn’t seem to have a lasting effect on them.  PayPal, Twitter, and many others are still down, however, even though they have massice technical resources, showing how good the Amazon Ops team and network really is.

Use Our Managed Program and Join Our Infrastructure

Custom Hockey Pucks Launch on

Custom Hockey Pucks Now at PuckStyle!

After launching a MyStyle site with hockey accessories like necklaces and bracelets late last year, PuckStyle has now released custom hockey pucks that you can design online.

Custom Hockey Pucks

The hockey pucks on PuckStyle are custom printed in full color with the customer’s design. The customer is able to use the MyStyle Customizer to design the custom puck with their own images, logos, text, monograms, colors, patterns, effects, and more. We’ve made what is probably the most advanced custom hockey puck designer on the web!

Two Sided Custom Puck

The custom puck is a two-sided product that can be chosen to have either a 1 or 2 sided print. When a user is on the product detail page, they can choose whether they would like a 1 or 2 sided print on the puck. While in the customizer, you can design both sides, or just one side and leave the other side blank. Once in the shopping cart, the product option for 1 or 2 sides can be changed for any last minute up-sells to 2 sides.

Legit Official Game Pucks

The founders of PuckStyle are 2 guys who know hockey well – a pro hockey player currently playing in Europe, and a hockey coach here in the USA. They promise quality pucks that pass size and weight and bounce test standards. With PuckStyle yo9

Ready to Design Yours?

Want to give PuckStyle a try? Head on over to the site and design your own hockey puck!

Design Yours!

MyStyle Custom Product Designer (WordPress Plugin) Update v1.2.1

New update to the MyStyle Custom Product Designer just went out to the WP Plugin Marketplace.


One common bug with the newest versions of WordPress + WooCommerce was that new resposnive resolution image features were overriding the product image in the cart.  This has been fixed so that the customized product image is now what shows as the thumbnail again, as usual / expected.


  • Updated the author from mystyle to mystyleplatform.
  • Fixed bug with the thumbnail image in latest WP (caused by srcset attribute).
  • Now validating the mystyle product options.
  • Fixed some WP Coding Standards issues with some of the test files.
  • Added more sophisticated notices system.
  • Fixed some CSS issues with the admin screens in the latest WP and fixed a typo in a CSS name.
  • Updated the readme.txt to reflect that WP 4.4.1 is fully tested and working.

Get the Update

To get the update, simply log into your WP Admin > Plugin list and click “update” on the MyStyle Plugin.

If you update manually on your server, download the lastest release from the wordpress plugin marketplace, and replace the previous mystyle plugin with the plugin files/directory in your wp-content/plugins directory (standard WP Plugin structure).

Custom Car Wraps Now Has Fleet Graphics and Fleet Wraps!

Use Custom Car Wraps to Create Custom Fleet Graphics and Fleet Wraps!

Custom Car Wraps, the #1 site for car wraps and vehicle wraps, is proud to announce that you can now get fleet graphics and fleet wraps! Use the Custom Car Wraps car wrap designer to create the perfect vinyl wrap design and then use that design as the mockup for your fleet graphics. By partnering with VMS, the leading fleet wrap and vehicle graphics company in the industry, Custom Car Wraps has taken fleet graphics to an entirely new level.

The Same Fleet Graphics Used By Major Fleet Management Providers

Because Custom Car Wraps runs on the MyStyle Platform this partnership has allowed anyone looking for fleet graphics to use the exact same technology and design software that is used by the major fleet management companies. Add any of your logos or business information to your wrap, save multiple designs, and use multiple vehicle models to get the exact look you’re going for with your fleet advertising. After you’ve created the perfect look for your vehicle fleet you can send your designs and all the information about your fleet directly to us for a quote. We have a proven and dedicated and process for handling fleet graphics and now you can get that same level of dedication to your fleet graphics directly from Custom Car Wraps!

Looking for More Info on Fleet Graphics and Fleet Wraps? Click Here!

MakeCustomSigns Launches! Design Your Own Signs and Custom Signs!

MakeCustomSigns is Live! Make, Design, and Create Your Own Signs!

MyStyle Platform is excited to announce the launch of our latest partner property where you can design your own sign, MakeCustomSigns! Using the MyStyle Platform custom product designer MakeCustomSigns allows users to create outdoor signs, yard signs, banners, flags, and business signage. MakeCustomSigns is the most advanced custom sign site online and uses all the features of our MyStyle Customizer to let you add images, text, pictures, colors and get your design printed on any sign. We even use them in our own offices for our own signage!

What Kind of Custom Signs Are Available on MakeCustomSigns?

MakeCustomSigns has all of the most popular types of signage including banners, vinyl banners, outdoor signs, yard signs and even indoor signage like posters. MakeCustomSigns also specializes in signage like flags and a-frame signs for small and large businesses. If you want to design your own sign you’ll find multiple sizes of each of their designs and some of the lowest possible prices. They also do custom bulk signs and wholesale signs so you can get your own logo printed on your sign. Check out MakeCustomSigns and design your own custom sign! Launches MyStyle Personalization for Custom Flasks!

Taking Personalized Flasks to the Next Level

Industry leader, an established online retailer for all types of flasks in many sizes, launched MyStyle to add personalization to their ecommerce and they are seeing a great response just in time for the holidays. This launch solidifies as the ongoing leader in flask personalization and customization and as usual customers have nothing but positive responses.

Flasks are an amazing product for customization for a lot of reasons. For one, flasks are great event gifts for things like weddings, bachelor parties, 21st birthdays, graduations, baby showers, anniversaries, etc. A Flask is a keepsake that you can use again and again and have to cherish for years if not decades. Adding your own images, colors, text, monograms, graphics and effects gives users unlimited possibilities to create their own personalized flask designs.

In addition to MyStyle powered full color printed flasks, also offers leather and engraved metal options, too. Check out the site and custom flasks!

Wholesale Canvas Prints On MakeCanvasPrints!

Wholesale Canvas Prints Just Got a Whole Lot Better!

MakeCanvasPrints Wholesale Canvas Prints

We’re proud to announce new pricing for MakeCanvasPrints wholesale canvas prints! By improving our bulk canvas prints process we’ve been able to pass the savings on to you for high volume and high quantity canvas prints! We’re able to accept large run canvas prints for photographers, offices, and events in both RGB and CMYK format. Please get in touch with us over on MakeCanvasPrints to learn more about our wholesale canvas prints and wholesale canvas printing.

Who Uses Wholesale Canvas Prints?

The most common customers on MakeCanvasPrints in the past have been: photographers, artists, major brands, small to mid sized commercial offices, residential housing units, hotels, and organizations with large spaces like universities and churches. A large order of canvas prints is one of the easiest ways to add color and differentiate wall space. Based on the size of your prints, the design of your prints, and the delivery date of your prints pricing may vary. Please let us know of any special color requirements or any particular design notices in advance so we can be sure your order is perfect!

Contact MakeCanvasPrints about your wholesale canvas print order today!

Fly Discs Announces Custom Ultimate Frisbee Discs

Custom Ultimate Frisbee - Design Your OwnMyStyle site recently announced that they now have custom Ultimate Frisbee discs available for customization. This is a new addition to the site’s already popular disc golf selection, and opens up the custom printed disc service to an additional sport – ultimate frisbee.

Customize Ultimate Discs Online

The new ultimate frisbee customizer is the best in the industry – for one, because it may be the only online ultimate disc design app on the web. Even if there are others out there somewhere, this is the same great design app seen used in the rest of the site for all of their custom discs.

Upload Images, Choose Colors, Add Custom Text, and more

Custom Ultimate Frisbee DiscIf you’re not familiar with FlyDiscs, they allow users to design their own custom printed discs online in a matter of minutes. The design tool is very easy and intuitive to use, allowing users to create their designs with different options for uploaded images, backgrounds, foregrounds, text, color fades, and more of the great MyStyle app features.

Ultimate frisbees are a bit more friendly to a wider audience as they are larger, and an ideal choice for a disc to play catch or a round of ultimate with. This is a great addition to the fly discs catalog and one that has already had a huge response and great reviews. We look forward to ordering one of our own with our logo on it!

Read More About the New Custom Ultimate Frisbees »

New Feature: Editable 3D Canvas Wrap View for Design Your Own Canvas

Making Canvas Wraps Easier Than Ever with this Awesome New Feature: 3D Wrap Views

We’re happy to announce the availability of a new feature for Canvas Wraps Customizer (or any custom rectangular printed product where the graphic wraps around the squared edges). The 3D Wrap view helps users understand instantly where the “bleed” and “wrap” zones are instantly, without having to think about what a “bleed” is or read the help bubble trying to explain the concept. This makes accuracy of print images increase significantly, as many users previously were a bit confused about where their text should and shouldn’t go.

Customizing a Canvas Print in the 2D Full Template View Mode

3 Automatic View Modes In Customization

The feature consists of automatically switching between a 3D-Wrap View, a 2-D Full Template view including outer bleed/wrap areas, and the final Cropped Straight-On View. The first two, the 3D wrap view and the 2D Full Template view, switches back and forth automatically as the user works on their design. When they mouse over the canvas, they see the full view, to position their objects inside the red bleed/wrap guide line, keeping their text inside the “safe zone”. When they reach step 4 to complete their order, the outer areas of both views are cropped off and hidden to show the final product straight on, eliminating any question of what will be cut off around the edges vs on the front face of the canvas. This final straight on view sends thru as their main image, staying consistent with the traditional artwork view that is expected on art print and canvas sites.

Completed Custom Canvas - in 3D Wrap View Feature

DPI, Accuracy, Inches & Pixels

Our manufacturers’ specs are met to the inch and pixel with exact settings to ensure accuracy. Users can’t be bothered with understanding DPI, PPI, bleed in inches, or any of that. The information is there for them in a help bubble if they are curious, but really they want to know what they see on screen is what they get in the mail, and that’s exactly what our accuracy can ensure.

Try It Out at MakeCanvasPrints

Our Beta release is testing now on – perhaps the easiest custom canvas print design tool on the web today.  MCP enables happy customers who design their own canvas prints with photos, effects, and tons of cool custom text additions every single day:

Design a Custom Canvas Print


Latest MyStyle Site Has Launched – Fly Discs! Design Your Own Disc Golf Disc!

Custom Disc Golf Discs, Ultimate Frisbee Discs, and Frisbees!

Ever wanted a custom disc golf disc? Us too! So we went ahead and launched the latest super cool MyStyle Site: Fly Discs – Design Your Own Disc Golf Disc!

This is another one of our signature sites and we’re really proud of how well its turned out, (not to mention how cool our discs look!) We partnered with some of the top brands to make sure that every disc from our site is top quality and ready for course. This was one of first sites to go live with the mobile HTML5 customizer at the same time and we love the site design. A completely circular product makes for some interesting designs and we’ve already seen some great ones using everything from spirals to pepperoni pizzas. Definitely a great site to check if you’ve ever wanted a custom disc or ultimate disc and we’re confident this has to be one of the cooler brands in customization. FORE!

Missed the link? Click here to get custom disc golf discs from Fly Discs!

Mobile Customizer Is Launched! Design Your Own Products in HTML5!

We’re excited to announce the launch of our new product customizer for mobile web! We’re pushing the boundaries of HTML5 and web tech to bring mobile customization and mobile personalization to the MyStyle Platform. You’ll see our new mobile product design tool rolling out across many of our sites as we test the waters and launch new features. So far so good and the designs are looking great. If you want to see it in action head over to design your own skateboard on your phone at Whatever Skateboards or try it out by getting your phone pictures printed on canvas and MakeCanvasPrints.

Screenshots of Our Mobile Customizer

Want to take a peek at our mobile customizer? Here’s a few screenshots we snapped so you can take a look:

Whatever Skateboards Mobile Customizer
MakeCanvasPrints Mobile Customizer

So… What’s It Like? How Are The Designs?

We’ve tested this on multiple devices and the experience is great on both phones and tablets. We’re super happy with the performance on iPhone 5 and iPads in particular and the experience is the the current best in class. We’ll be adding more spice to our mobile customizer coming soon; new features are on their way! It is definitely exciting to see mobile tech and HTML5 break through previous performance and UX barriers to become a viable option for mobile customization apps and mobile personalization apps. The designs on the products coming out look great!

What Products Are Available?

Using our MyStyle API we’re able to provide nearly our entire product catalog from all manufacturers and printers to be designed on cell phones and other devices. That’s a staggering number of products that are live for people to design! We have to admit, its pretty fun to try the mobile customizer so give it a whirl and let us know what you think.

MyStyle & Coveroo – Launching the Perfect Match!

MyStyle & Coveroo

Coveroo has launched their customization integration with MyStyle! This is huge news for the platform as Coveroo is one of the largest names in customization and custom printing & fulfillment. They’ve also been a long term, top-tier partner with MyStyle for a number of projects and products including offering a wide assortment of cell phone cases for customization on a number of MyStyle sites including our flagship site Case Monkey! Check out Coveroo’s custom cell phone case integration under their “Create” link on

As a leader in the customization space we couldn’t be happier to be powering part of the Coveroo product customization process. One of the best parts of partnering with Coveroo is their ability to custom print on nearly any product for any manufacturer. This extends well outside of the cell phone cases they are best known for and includes a huge variety of products for many manufacturers. If you are a manufacturer looking to get in to customization but are trying to find the perfect printing and fulfillment partner Coveroo will be your best choice.

Click here to see Coveroo’s custom cell phone case MyStyle integration. Click Create!

New Feature For MyStyle Websites – Ratings!

Finally a way to find the best designs!

Happy Valentine’s Day! We happy to announce a new feature that we rolled out MyStyle Websites: ratings! Now designs can have a 5 star rating and you can view the very best designs as rated by users. This was an important feature for us because we see a lot of awesome designs come through our customizer and yet there wasn’t a great place to actually view all the best designs. Now that we’ve got ratings out you’ll start seeing a lot more featured content featuring our favorite designs.

Here’s some links…

Case Monkey – The best phone case designs
Whatever Skateboards – The best skateboard designs
Custom Car Wraps – The best car wrap designs
MakeCanvasPrints – The best canvas print designs
PlakThat – The best wood print designs

Check Out This Sweet Sneak Peek!

You Want The New Jams? HERE IS THE NEW JAMS.

Hot off the presses and tearing up this West Coast Art and Frame 2014 is the latest and greatest in personalization technology: a frame customizer. If you’re out in Vegas for this year’s show be sure to roam around and find our demo. To keep you satisfied if you couldn’t make it out this year we’ve dropped some screenshots in to this article for you.

Why Is This Cool?

This is the only frames customizer. The. only. one. The reason is simply that a frames customizer is too difficult to program. Our specialty here at MyStyle is taking on new R&D projects is customization and even this one was a huge challenge for us. Thankfully we have a lot of experience in this space and have worked with the best partners in the industry. While this isn’t quite ready for full public release it is live and working at WCAF 2014 and you can design your own frame.

Since When Does MyStyle Do Expos and Tradeshows?

Since Day 1! Our tech is regularly featured on large screens, kiosks, laptop, and any other way you can demo a product at a tradeshow. If you’ve seen a demo of a designer or design tool, or even if you just designed your own product at a booth, odds are it was running on MyStyle and you didn’t even know it. Our tech is a staple of the tradeshow circuit and a proven win when it comes to making a splash with a memorable booth. Contact us to hear what we can do for your next industry event!


Huge Upcoming Demo Launch Later This Week!

Taking Personalization and Customization to New Industries

I’m not sure if we could be more excited for upcoming demo launch this week! While we can’t spill the beans on it quite yet we can at least tell you to keep your eyes peeled for MyStyle powering a brand new customization solution. There’s always something exciting about launching customization and personalization in new verticals and industries. That relentless pursuit of the next best thing is what keeps us pushing the forefront of customization tech and this upcoming demo this week will prove no exception. We’ll keep you posted on it here on our blog when we’re ready for the big reveal!

Site Launch!

The new MyStyle Platform website has launched!

Stay tuned to the MyStyle blog for exciting updates about new features, findings from our case studies, new feature releases, special offers, and more!

Check back regularly as the site expands with more about the true power of the MyStyle Personalization Platform.

Subscribe to our blog to receive automatic updates, and don’t worry, we won’t spam you!

Looking forward to a great year and best of luck to everyone in 2014, it’s going to be a big year for all of of the businesses in the MyStyle family.  :)

Happy Holidays