New Pricing for 2017!

New year, new leaf. Out with the old, in with the new.

We are still buzzing from the awesome response we saw in 2016 and very excited about 2017. We’ve learned a lot about what works and what doesn’t for many of our users this past year, and we’ll be working hard to bring awesome features, upgrades, and optimizations to the MyStyle Platform that will help set everyone up for success that much more.

Enterprise Clients: New Capabilities in the Custom Developments Lab

We’ve got some really great new capabilities that are not available out of the box or in our current demos. If you are an Enterprise Client, please contact us here for a demo and quote for your project, and ignore our other pricing, as you will most likely do best with a custom solution.

Developers: New $99/yr Annual License for Developers

One major change is our entry level pricing. We’ve tried a lot over the years – free trials, up front charges, payment plans, monthly, yearly, high, low, we’ve tried it. Each time we’ve adjusted our service levels or features to match while trying to both open up access to a wider audience at a lower price point, while also requiring the features that we know are critical to success in the personalization space. This year, we’re making a change that we know will help. LOWER monthly pricing for entry level developer licenses when you purchase a year license will now replace our monthly developer Alpha license. This will really not affect any existing clients, Standard or Managed license clients, only the Developer license.

Why? Because We’re Setting DIY-Developers Up for Success, Not a 30 Day Demo.

This is for good reason, though, and one that is not obvious at first. For one, it’s a lower monthly cost in the end, our lowest yet, and for the bootstrap startup or unfunded business, that’s always a good thing. But, we do require for the new $8.25/mo developer license that you purchase for a year.

Why? Well, in a nutshell because people are slow and underestimate everything. Every day people sign up monthly and start their integration of MyStyle – very quickly, they’re up and running with a custom product, definitely within a week or two, in most cases. But, the website still says “Just Another WordPress Website”. Guess what – it stays that way for way too long, and that’s common. Now, you’re being rebilled for the customizer and yet you’re still in development. How many times have you purchased something and not actually used it for a couple months? It’s more common than you’d think, and really for most businesses who are looking for the cheap solutions, they’re doing everything themselves to save money around every corner, and that’s going to make things take a while – months in most cases.

Then, after months and months of development, fine tuning things, getting too busy to work on it, getting back around to it, finishing it up enough to a lunch, they do launch and… Nothing! Because the marketing hasn’t started yet. But, everything is working so that’s great – except 6 months has gone by and now you’re just getting your first traffic and your first sales, and your SEO is starting to catch hold. By the time you get from this point to the point you want to be at, selling multiple transactions every single day, it’s going to take 6 months to a year without funding or an advertising budget to jumpstart things. Thus, the cheapest possible license as a monthly commitment is already setting up unrealistic expectations for the website itself, not our plugin! We’re so much easier to implement than finishing the rest of the website, it’s crazy. Thus, entry level monthly commitments are really doing no favors for anyone if it’s cancelled a few months later because the website itself is still not done and the whole system hasn’t had time to run it’s course.

If you’re a lone unfunded business owner or developer working on your project with no funding, you’re going to need 6 months to a year to get this right, see the usage, see the sales, make some adjustments, and get things selling well, and you’re going to need your MyStyle app to be a 1-and-done thing that buys you a year of growth before you have to even think about it again. We know this will result in less signups, but you know what, we don’t care because what we want is to help people SUCCEED, not just spend $10 and quit too early, as is far too common these days on the web. With a year commitment, even WE have some time to help you get things right without having to charge you an arm and a leg to point you in the right direction, and we’re already in personalization for the long haul – so welcome aboard!

So, the new developer price is now $99/yr, and it’s really in everyone’s best interest to jump into the year commitment so there is realistically ample time to develop, launch, grow, optimize, and see the full potential of MyStyle even though you, like all of us these days, are busy and are going to probably need all year to generate the sales and growth you’ll really be happy with. We really feel strongly that if DIY developers stick with it for a year, just a commitment of a year, they will almost always see the plugin perform wonderfully and make their money back and generate sales better than normal. This is going to encourage people to commit longer and in that extra time, as MANY successful entrepreneurs will tell you, it’s sticking with it beyond the point where everyone else would have normally given up and quit that makes you succeed where everyone else failed! So, forget a month, that’s for amateurs! Sign up today for the year, save a little money, and let’s have a year of successful launches and growth!