Design Manager add-on

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  • #11272
    Rob BRob Brewster

    Hi again Sean,

    Apologies for what might be a stupid question, however how do I actually access the Design Manager now that I have installed it successfully into my WordPress site….is it an application with its own interface?


    Sean PSean P

    Hi Rob,

    There are no stupid questions, only bad/missing documentation :)

    You can access the Design Manager in your WordPress Admin in the left main navigation under the MyStyle main menu heading, click “Designs” and you should see a list of all designs made in chronological order, similar to all posts in the “Posts” section.

    Rob BRob Brewster

    Thanks Sean…unfortunately the ‘Designs’ option is now showing up in the menu.

    I’ve upgraded to MyStyle v2.0 and have installed the Design Manager v2.0 successfully as well. The only options I have under MyStyle is Settings and Add-Ons.

    I’ve just tried Deactivating and Reactivating it again with no luck??

    Rob BRob Brewster

    Sorry that should say …unfortunately the ‘Designs’ option is NOT showing up…

    Sean PSean P

    Hi Rob,

    This update just came out today so this is probably a bug. We should have a minor update to patch it pretty quickly.

    I have verified this bug and created a ticket for you with our dev team. They will address it at their next availability, most likely tomorrow during business hours.

    If you are able to roll back to the previous design manager plugin (1.x) it may work for you in the mean time until we squash this bug tomorrow.

    Also, you can always access designs on the front end via the URL {yourwebsite}/designs/ as that gallery is run by the main plugin.


    – Sean

    Rob BRob Brewster

    Thanks Sean…glad to know I’m not going mad :)

    Sean PSean P

    Hi Rob,

    Our main plugin and our add-ons have been updated today to 2.0.1. This patches an issue with the load order of some woocommerce plugins and fixes the issue with the menu item not showing up in the nav for Designs.

    Please update to current from your download links for our add-ons in your account page in our site, and deactivate, replace, and re-activate those plugins.

    Also, please update your main NyStyle Custom Product Designer plugin through your WP admin (normal update link).

    Make sure everything is version 2.0.1 or higher and you should be good to go.


    – Sean

    Sean PSean P

    Hi Rob,

    All these fixes and more fixes for other cross-plugin conflicts and WooCommerce 3.x compatibility issues was released recently in version 2.0.2

    I’ll close this thread now since all of these issues have been resolved since 2.0.1


    – Sean

    For more news and updates on releases, check out our blog:

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