Tag Archives: Flash

MyStyle Custom Product Designer Version 3.0 Released

The MyStyle team is excited to announce a minor change in the code but a major update for the plugin. The plugin will now use our HTML5 Customizer by default, as opposed to the Flash customizer. This marks the official deprecation of the Flash version and strong recommendation to update your MyStyle plugins and switch your own Customizer apps entirely over to HTML5.

You’ll see the Settings tab switched to say “Enable Flash (Not Recommended)”. Make sure this is NOT checked to always use HTML5.

Our team has been working around the clock to update our HTML5 customizer with new standards for mobile usability and the core feature list from our legacy Flash Customizer. We’re happy to say that between our new versions of the HTML5 Customizer and Renderer combined we are now printing at higher resolutions than ever with the SVG and JPG formats with 300dpi and vector quality.