Tag Archives: Category Browser

Feature Upgrade: Background Libraries Category Browser

The backgrounds browser is Step 1 in almost all MyStyle apps for good reason. It’s an easy step that anyone can do and doesn’t require any content from the user, only choices. It’s fun and shows what you can do quickly and provides instant gratification to users by giving them great colors and stock backgrounds to choose from to get them on their way to creating an awesome design that they love.

The Issue with Long Lists and Pagination

The only problem is, sometimes digging through that backgrounds library seemed daunting and unorganized, and naturally the images at the very end of the list didn’t get very much action (very few people press previous page first to go through the list in reverse order, almost everyone just goes page 1, 2, 3 etc). So this UX needed to be updated to make it easier to find the content you love in the BG library.  Well, that’s where the Category browser comes in.

Enter the Library Category Browser

We’ve launched a new and improved component recently that is already proving to give users more control to get design they love.

Now in step 1 when you browse backgrounds, you’re greeted with a scrolling single page list of thumbnails that represent each category, and are labeled as such to make it easy to understand what each category tile is a collection of.  Now, a customer can see “Fine Art” for example without ever having to click to a next page, and they can click that to see our collection of great fine art images without having to dig through a whole list to find them.  This is way easier and more fun, and immediately makes it so much faster to create a design you already start to like in the first step.

Live and Doing Great!

This feature automatically updates in your app so you should already have it live on your own MyStyle enabled sites if you have a Step 1 for backgrounds (it’s the default, so you probably do).

Stats Show Increased Performance

We’ve already seen an increase in the amount of designs and purchases that make use of background assets that we do not normally see many sales on.  This is the proof that the new feature is getting used on designs that make it all the way through to sale, and that customers are happier than ever using MyStyle to personalize their designs with our collections of free graphics.

That’s great news for everyone using MyStyle!