User interface looks boring

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  • #13398
    Wouter MWouter Missiaen

    the interface I get looks much more boring and has less options then what I saw on the example websites.
    Has this to do with html5 or flash?
    best regards

    Sean PSean P

    Hi Wouter,

    Thanks for your feedback.

    Correct, if you have Flash enabled you will get the old version (not responsive, fancier more colorful UI).

    If you do not have flash, or it is blocked, as it is on all mobile devices and all browsers now by default including Chrome, you will get the HTML5 version.

    The version you are most likely referring to is HTML5 and built for mobile-compatibility first and foremost. We tend to err on the side of simplicity and usability for this version over design aspects during this phase of the app’s development so that it can fit in with almost any website and work well on any device. The design is purposefully minimal for usability purposes and also to allow the design itself to have the majority of the focus and color in the experience.

    We are able to do custom skins for the HTML5 app on a custom project basis, if you have a specific look and a development budget we can accommodate some UI changes.

    We are improving the HTML5 customizer on a regular basis and you can expect a lot of great updates in the next months and thru 2018.


    – Sean

    Sean PSean P

    Wouter I should also note that we are seeing a higher completion rate on designs with this newer HTML5 version than we did with the Flash version on all sites. We attribute a lot of this to mobile users taking over 70% of traffic on most sites.

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