File Type Export

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    Alexa SAlexa Szilagyi

    Our company is looking to utilize a customizer app. I’ve read about your MyStyle Custom Product Designer app and it mentions that it exports high res files. Since we are a print company, that is crucial for us. I saw 300dpi used as an example, but was curious if vector text/logos could be exported as vector/layered PDFs. Thanks!

    Sean PSean P

    Hi Alexa,

    Depending on your customization features, print file size and requirements we can support JPG, PNG, and SVG.

    For example, we do not currently support Monogram output nor effects with SVG without a custom development, but we do support that format for all other features.

    Also, there are some memory limits with large format at high resolution, so many customers choose to print large format at 150dpi, which is a common practice at those sizes and still considered good quality.

    You’ll want to reach out to Miguel with your exact requirements so he can point you to the right package and license for you, and also if you have complex requirements he can price you out on any custom developments that might be required.

    You can also get a quote from Miguel through our online free quote request form here:

    Need A Quote Or Demo?

    Sean PSean P

    Here is more information on Print output:

    Print Output

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