- 3.5.3
- Mirror-All design object feature for print file rendering
- 3.5.2
- Print image design layer scaling accuracy improvement
- 3.5.1
- Per-object text object targeting fixes for filters such as line by line and letter by letter font changes
- 3.5.0
- UI Updates
- Mirror image clone feature right, left, up, down (right click menu for images)
- Design object cloning (right click menu)
- Remote image proxy update
- 3.4.8
- Shrink whole design layer for 1.5″ margin
- Text to uppercase/lowercase (right click menu feature)
- 3.4.7
- UI Updates
- Split Right Click Menu for images vs text objects
- Shrink All Design Objects
- 3.4.7
- Warning UI Update stronger when resolution is not OK
- New scroll to web comparison button added to quality check panel when resolution is OK to speed up workflow
- Web comparison button will be Primary colored when there is text in the design to encourage Q/A of text content designs
- Web comparison button will be Default colored when there is not text in the design as images are almost always in place close enough for print and a scroll-by glance is usually good enough
- 3.4.6
- Remote URLs cross-domain security workaround for downloading third party remote images from other websites into print image renderings
- 3.4.5
- Object To-Upper-Case in right-click menu for text
- 3.4.4
- 3.4.3
- 3.4.2
- Fix for Capitals to Stencil macro to also include Numbers
- 3.4.1
- Fix for AWS image URLs in designs that are NOT mystyle URLs. Omits subdomain re-arrangement for direct s3 URLs that MyStyle URLs use to respect domain SSL certs.
- 3.4.0
- Separate Text, Image, and Design Filter menus for print images
- Revert back to original render button (undo all changes)
- Live-Edit mode allows design objects to have a new Right Click menu with ability to center or remove objects
- Single canvas renders on multi canvas products bug fix
- Center All Objects print mod
- 3.3.11
- Static 2 direct s3 domain URL auto correcter for ssl fix
- Right align text object alignment fix
- Bug fix: Print Image Overlays sometimes not loading
- 3.3.10
- 3.3.9
- Shrink All Text and Images by % of 1.5 Margin
- 3.3.8
- Design Object Scaling borders and switching from one image to another fix
- Monogram updates in progress
- 3.3.7
- Editing Feature: Design Obj Scaling mode with Dbl-Click
- 3.3.6
- Editing Feature: Revert fonts to Times New Roman
- 3.3.5
- 3.3.0
- Works with encrypted domain (SSL / https://)
- 3.2.5
- Muti-canvas print files fix
- Rotated canvas multi-canvas fix
- 3.2.1
- Design ID fallback to XML URL
- 3.2.0
- Multi-side overhaul for multi-side products
- 3.1.0
- 3.0.0
- Print image size / resolution checks and quality ratings
- Get image by Design ID
- 2.9.5
- Find and Replace Text
- Basic Monogram Support without shapes or letter kearning
Product Personalization and Customization Solutions