Reply To: MyStyle Product Addons wont display existing Global Addons

Home Forums Support MyStyle Product Addons wont display existing Global Addons Reply To: MyStyle Product Addons wont display existing Global Addons

Chris DChris

Hi Sean,

I can verify the download has v1.0.1 in the link – however having tested the performance is identical to before.

Exactly the same issue – that categories selections including All Products will not display the addon. It requires a selection to be made in the tags section before it will work.

Please use the dev site i setup to verify this version is not working and please feel free to delete the current version of the plugin and install another version to test this.

Once signed in the direct link to a new global addon i created is: – you will be able to see this should display on all products but does not.

(My actual requirement uses categories and my use of this plugin is only to add a default pre-checked box to each addon (which a site admin could easily adjust rather than being hard coded) – something the core woo plugin does not do without additional custom coding.)


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