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Hi Chris,
Sorry I wasn’t able to reproduce this error in my environment, even though I do have existing add-ons, they seem to work OK on the front end.
Are you using a custom theme, or other custom plugins that may have collisions?
What versions are you on of WP / WC? You can paste your WooCommerce diagnostic here if that’s easier.
Do you have access to your server’s error logs? Can you copy me the server errors that occur on the product page when the boxes fail to show, if any?
Are you using Select boxes with Options or other type of product add-on display (radio, etc)?
Do you have a dev site or can we have access to the site to look directly at it?
If this is a bug, it should be in the bugs forum so our devs take a look at it, but if I can’t reproduce it, I’m not sure they will be able to either unless we have your exact setup to replicate the environment you’re running.
– Sean