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Hi Gordon,
We have a pre-release version of our plugin that is compatible with your environment – WooCommerce 3.X with PHP 7.X
We also have pre-release versions of all of our add-ons, but there is still a lot of backwards compatibility for us to do before we can release it to the public. Because of this, I can send you the new versions just for your use as a ZIP file via email, and when we release it to the public you’ll be able to just press “update” on your plugin from your admin. Until then, it will think it’s on the current version, even though you’re a version ahead. Your version won’t have legacy support for our add-ons that don’t support WC 3.X, that we will be releasing in the next couple weeks, so for now just use our main plugin and our design manager, no other add-ons for another week or two.
– Sean